About the CfE

New York State is committed to improving child welfare outcomes and strengthening families by enhancing service delivery. The New York Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) has partnered with Youth Research Incorporated (YRI) to launch the Center for Excellence (CfE) for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation. YRI is a nonprofit affiliate to the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) that provides training and professional development opportunities for employees of OCFS and its partner organizations, including Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) and community-based social services providers.

YRI also supports OCFS and its partners by providing rapid response to new and emerging human services priorities in New York State by promoting new and more effective methods for service delivery and access, administering pilot programs, conducting research, and developing evidence-based policy recommendations to support OCFS’s areas of service.

Our Team 

Monica Schroeder, Senior Project Manager

Erica Webster, Director of Research and Policy

Grace Toledo, Family First Implementation Specialist

Katherine Schofield, Family First Implementation Specialist katherine.schofield@yriny.org

Vee Yeo, Research & Policy Analyst

Rachel Gale, Regional Implementation Coordinator rachel.gale@yriny.org

Jeannette Sheehy, Communications and Technical Assistance Coordinator jeannette.sheehy@yriny.org

About the CfE by Youth Research Inc.

The CfE supports the implementation and sustainability of evidence-based programs (EBPs) and promotes the success of New York State’s Family First Prevention Services Act Prevention Plan. FFPSA is a comprehensive legislative initiative aimed at transforming the child welfare system by permitting states to use title IV-E funds for evidence-based prevention services for families at risk of entering the child welfare system.

The CfE is dedicated to advancing the implementation of Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) to improve outcomes across various fields. Through research, training, and collaboration, the CfE aims to foster the widespread adoption of EBPs and enhance their effectiveness in real-world settings, including in diverse populations. By promoting evidence-based decision-making and providing resources, the CfE strives to create a culture that values and prioritizes the use of EBPs for the benefit of individuals, organizations, and communities.   

Frequently Asked Questions